Wednesday, 5 December 2018

1809 PolicyDefinitions Error in non en-US ADML templates for MicrosoftEdge.adml

Downloading and installing in Active Directory the latest 1809 policy Definition files - ADMX and Language specific ADML files, results in errors during gpresult for the non en-US template files for MicrosoftEdge.adml

My quick fix was to copy the en-US MicrosoftEdge.adml file into the non en-US folders until we get an update from Microsoft.

I have raised a ticket with Microsoft for this.

using powershell to parse the xml (adml files) and doing a comparison with en-US version shows a lot of missing ID Tags:

[xml]$a =  Get-Content D:\admx\PolicyDefinitions\en-US\Windows.adml

[xml]$b = Get-Content D:\\admx\PolicyDefinitions\fr-FR\Windows.adml

Compare-Object  $(($a | Select-Xml -XPath "//@id").Node.Value) $(($b | Select-Xml -XPath "//@id").Node.Value)

InputObject                                                       SideIndicator
-----------                                                       -------------
PreventTabPreloading                                              =>          
PreventTabPreloading_Explain                                      =>          
PreventTabPreloadingDropdown_PreventTabPreloading                 =>          
PreventTabPreloadingDropdown_AllowTabPreloading                   =>          
PreventTabPreloading                                              =>          
SUPPORTED_INTERNET_BROWSER_RS5_DisplayName                        <=          
PreventCertErrorOverrides                                         <=          
PreventCertErrorOverrides_Explain                                 <=          
AllowFullScreenMode                                               <=          
AllowFullScreenMode_Explain                                       <=          
AllowPrinting                                                     <=          
AllowPrinting_Explain                                             <=          
AllowSavingHistory                                                <=          
AllowSavingHistory_Explain                                        <=          
AllowSideloadingOfExtensions                                      <=          
AllowSideloadingOfExtensions_Explain                              <=          
ConfigureFavoritesBar                                             <=          
ConfigureFavoritesBar_Explain                                     <=          
ConfigureHomeButton                                               <=          
ConfigureHomeButton_Explain                                       <=          
ConfigureHomeButton_StartPage                                     <=          
ConfigureHomeButton_NewTabPage                                    <=          
ConfigureHomeButton_SpecificPage                                  <=          
ConfigureHomeButton_HideHomeButton                                <=          
ConfigureOpenEdgeWith                                             <=          
ConfigureOpenEdgeWith_Explain                                     <=          
ConfigureOpenEdgeWithList_EdgeStartPage                           <=          
ConfigureOpenEdgeWithList_NewTabPage                              <=          
ConfigureOpenEdgeWithList_PreviousPages                           <=          
ConfigureOpenEdgeWithList_ProvisionedHomePages                    <=          
PreventTurningOffRequiredExtensions                               <=          
PreventTurningOffRequiredExtensions_Explain                       <=          
SetHomeButtonURL                                                  <=          
SetHomeButtonURL_Explain                                          <=          
SetNewTabPageURL                                                  <=          
SetNewTabPageURL_Explain                                          <=          
ShowMessageWhenOpeningSitesInInternetExplorer_Show_ContinueInEdge <=          
ShowMessageWhenOpeningSitesInInternetExplorer_Hide_ContinueInEdge <=          
UnlockHomeButton                                                  <=          
UnlockHomeButton_Explain                                          <=          
AllowTabPreloading                                                <=          
AllowTabPreloading_Explain                                        <=          
AllowTabPreloadingDropdown_AllowTabPreloading                     <=          
AllowTabPreloadingDropdown_PreventTabPreloading                   <=          
ConfigureTelemetryForMicrosoft365Analytics                        <=          
ConfigureTelemetryForMicrosoft365Analytics_Explain                <=          
ZonesList_IntranetOnly                                            <=          
ZonesList_InternetOnly                                            <=          
ZonesList_Both                                                    <=          
ZonesList_None                                                    <=          
AllowPrelaunch                                                    <=          
AllowPrelaunch_Explain                                            <=          
AllowPrelaunchDropdown_AllowPrelaunch                             <=          
AllowPrelaunchDropdown_PreventPrelaunch                           <=          
ConfigureKioskMode                                                <=          
ConfigureKioskMode_Explain                                        <=          
ConfigureKioskResetAfterIdleTimeout                               <=          
ConfigureKioskResetAfterIdleTimeout_Explain                       <=          
ConfigureOpenEdgeWith_Presentation                                <=          
ConfigureHomeButton_Presentation                                  <=          
SetHomeButtonURL_Presentation                                     <=          
SetNewTabPageURL_Presentation                                     <=          
PreventTurningOffRequiredExtensions_Presentation                  <=          
AllowTabPreloading                                                <=          
AllowPrelaunch                                                    <=          
ConfigureTelemetryForMicrosoft365Analytics_Presentation           <=          
ConfigureKioskMode_Presentation                                   <=          
ConfigureKioskResetAfterIdleTimeout_Presentation                  <=          
ShowMessageWhenOpeningSitesInInternetExplorer_Presentation        <=

Friday, 27 October 2017

SCCM Patching: Error in WUAHandler.log: Group policy settings were overwritten by a higher authority

The symptom is that in C:\Windows\CCM\Logs\WUAHandler.log entries similar to the following are recorded when executing a “Software Updates Scan Cycle” form the Control Panel Configuration Manager Actions pane:


Unable to read existing WUA resultant policy. Error = 0x80070002.           WUAHandler     10/26/2017 4:45:09 PM 4752 (0x1290)

Group policy settings were overwritten by a higher authority (Domain Controller) to: Server  and Policy NOT CONFIGURED   WUAHandler     10/26/2017 4:45:09 PM 4752 (0x1290)

Failed to Add Update Source for WUAgent of type (2) and id ({63744FD0-7F66-4324-BD04-3E601F50387B}). Error = 0x87d00692.      WUAHandler     10/26/2017 4:45:09 PM 4752 (0x1290)


The Cause

A Domain policy was found to contain a corrupted entry which can only be found using PowerShell.

The GPO Management GUI does not display any entries for Windows Updates, however there was a single legacy stub entry.


PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-GPRegistryValue -Name "POLICYName" -Key "HKLM\software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU"

KeyPath     : software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU

FullKeyPath : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU

Hive        : LocalMachine

PolicyState : Delete

Value       :

Type        : Unknown

ValueName   :

HasValue    : False

The Solution

Is that this entry can be removed, again using PowerShell using the command:

PS C:\Windows\system32> Remove-GPRegistryValue -Name "POLICYName" -Key "HKLM\software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU"

 The correct end goal is that there should be no WSUS setting applied in any domain GPO for SCCM to work.


Friday, 14 February 2014

Connecting to MS AD server using Principlecontext Fails with error "The server cannot handle directory requests"


An application was migrated to a new AD Forest and we encountered LDAP errors. This took a long time to resolve.

I increased the logging on the NTDS service on 1 domain Controller and forced connection to that server: 
 00002035: LdapErr: DSID-0C090F40, comment: Fast bind mode can only be invoked on an unbound connection. This connection has already been bound., data 0, v1db1

 We tracked this down to the fact that the users have an autoenrolled certificate that has "client Authentication" as a purpose.
Connecting using port 389 - non Secured worked, but wasnt an option.
Removing the certificate worked, but was also not an option.